Everything We Were Taught About Money is Dead Wrong
The year I turned 30, I discovered that hippos are deadly.
I was shocked.
Are you telling me that the dim sum-looking creature I saw singing “in the jungle, the mighty jungle…” on Youtube is the world's deadliest mammal???
Are you telling me that if I ever sight a hippo, I should jump up the nearest tree instead of petting it???
My whole life is a lie!
Did something like that ever happen to you?
Having an assumption so deep, you never questioned it and then discovered it was completely wrong.
In my experience, that’s the case for almost everything we think we know about money.
What society taught us about money has led to a planetary crisis while leaving us in a perpetual state of anxiety no matter how much we have.
Our money paradigm needs an urgent and radical upgrade - for the wealth and well-being of ourselves, our communities, and our planet.
To do that, we must unlearn everything we were taught about money.
What if money doesn’t come to you but through you?
Here are 12 things society tells us and how you can question them to find your truth:
Money doesn’t grow on trees.
What if money did grow on trees - as a perfect metaphor?
What if money was the fruit - a natural outgrowth of you watering your “business/career tree” by offering your best gifts, aligning with your purpose, and showing up powerfully for the people you serve?
You have to work hard for money.
What if it’s not about how hard you work but how aligned your work is to your genius and passion? When the alignment is there, work doesn’t feel like work. It feels like play.
Because money is hard to come by, hold onto it. Hoard as much as you can.
What if money doesn’t come to you but through you? What if you’re meant to be a conduit for prosperity, and money flows through to bring the highest good for all?
Having debt is terrible, and you should be ashamed.
What if having debt is you being courageously resourceful to invest in experiences and education that’ll make the breakthrough you need possible and allow abundance in all forms to flow in your life? And isn’t that something to be proud of?
The more money others make, the less is available for you. The more money you make, the less is left for others.
What if there’s enough abundance for all?
What if the more money you make, the more you help your clients make? Because they’re investing in their dream with you instead of overshopping to fill a void?
(By the way, the global illegal narcotics trade is a $652 billion industry. When people don’t spend money to live their truth, they spend money to numb the pain of not living it.)
Cut your expenses, and control your spending. Only buy sensible things you genuinely need. No more $5 kombucha for you.
What if money is but a medium to express your authentic values? So it’s not about what you spend your money on but whether that purchase reflects what truly matters to you.
What if instead of spending energy scrutinizing your spending, you spend it on creating soul-aligned revenue streams that bring in happy money?
Spending the majority of what you earn is wrong and irresponsible.
What if, right now, in this season of your life, you’re meant to let money flow through you fearlessly? What if the Universe is abundant, and it’s safe for you to give and invest as your heart guides?
Slave away for a steady paycheck, so you can buy shiny objects to feel better about yourself and fill the hole in your heart.
What if what truly fills the hole in your heart is your love for yourself? What if what truly makes you “feel better” is not to buy anything for a while so you can build a buffer fund and finally quit that soul-draining job (which is the source of your misery)?
Buy things in sales, find a good deal. Go for the cheapest option possible.
What if buying things “on-sale” only encourages your mentality of lack? What if trying too hard to find a “good deal” deepens that limiting belief, thus attracting more lack into your life?
Aim for financial freedom! Put aside money every month into different investment vehicles. One day, the interest will match the expense of your desired lifestyle, and BOOM, you’ll never have to worry about money again!
What if real financial freedom isn’t about how much money you have or will have in the distant future but how you feel about your money right here and now?
What if you can have the freedom in “financial freedom” NOW? No matter how big your bank account is, by simply healing your relationship with money and transforming your money mindset?
And what if having “inner financial freedom” will open the floodgate for you to receive true wealth & prosperity - and not the “I have money, but I’m trapped and miserable” kind?
Money is a measure of your business success.
What if the measure of business success is not how much you make but how congruent your business’s revenue-generating, spending, and investing activities are to its core values and soulful commitments?
Being financially successful means making more money every year.
What if the measure of financial success isn't how much you make but how aligned your income is to your earning potential, values, and soul’s purpose?
Take time to question the limiting beliefs you see in yourself.
Are they really the truth that sets you free or just a made-up mental prison?
And how could you transform them to attract real prosperity while embodying financial freedom?
This is the first step to cultivating the right money mindset. And I cannot wait to see everything you’ll create in the world because of it.
P.S Time to shift your money-limiting beliefs
Are you ready to shift your money mindset from scarcity to abundance?
This October, I'm hosting a transformational online experience called Money Mindset Intensive (MMI) for Coaches.
It's a 5-hour workshop where I’ll help you identify limiting money beliefs, release your abundance blocks, shift your energy from scarcity to prosperity, and manifest the next level of wealth into your life and business.
Join me in Money Mindset Intensive and watch the money flow into your life and business in a way you could never have imagined.
As a Business Coach for purpose-driven coaches, I help YOU get paid to change the world (and have all the freedom you want!)
Why honoring your limits is not a weakness