27 Signs Your Money Mindset Desperately Needs a Makeover
“This is like shitting a brick!”
I remember thinking this thought during those last 2 hours in labor.
Soon my baby girl would be born, weighing 2.6 kilograms, screaming with an attitude like, “It’s about time to let me out, woman!”
But why am I telling you about childbirth?
Because surprisingly, birthing a human and birthing your next level of wealth has a lot in common.
In the yoga tradition, fertility and prosperity come from the same energy center - the Sacral Chakra.
When you give birth to a baby, your cervix needs to be open; precisely 10cm dilated - aka expanded.
Similarly, to welcome abundance into your life, your money mindset needs to be expanded.
Otherwise, even if big money is ready to come into your world, you will still struggle to receive it.
If you’re a heart-centered human wanting to start and grow a coaching business, I can almost guarantee major money blocks are stopping you from making a sustainable income from your coaching.
When you give birth to a baby, your cervix needs to be open; precisely 10cm dilated - aka expanded.
Similarly, to welcome abundance into your life, your money mindset needs to be expanded.
If you’re a heart-centered human wanting to start and grow a coaching business, I can almost guarantee major money blocks are stopping you from making a sustainable income from your coaching.
Here are 27 signs your money mindset needs a significant overhaul:
(Get ready to note down the one that resonates most!)
You dream of getting to a point where you “never have to think about money ever again.” (But if you’re in a healthy relationship with someone, would you look forward to never thinking about them? Think about that.)
The minute you get money, you feel an intense urge to spend every single dollar. (You want to get rid of it as soon as possible because, subconsciously, it doesn’t feel safe to have it.)
You tell yourself you’ll fully commit to your coaching business once you feel financially secure. But despite years of slaving away in corporate, you never feel “secure” enough.
You save every dollar but are afraid of investing in your growth, business, and dream.
Deep down, you still believe that making a lot of money - or wanting to make a lot of money - is morally wrong.
You only buy things in sale and try to hunt down the cheapest deals. You tell yourself this is smart spending, but it comes from a mentality of lack.
You go blank when you think about how much to price your services. You may even prefer that your clients decide how much to pay you.
Sharing your price point with a potential client in a sales conversation makes you feel insecure, tongue-tied, and awkward.
You think you should give away your stuff for free or at a low price point. Because you believe your clients cannot afford you and you must help them out. (And unknowingly keeping your clients small in that process.)
You’re afraid that charging top dollar for your coaching will make people feel angry and disappointed. They will think of you as an unethical, selfish b*tch.
You are afraid of rejection, so you keep your pricing low.
You say you want more abundance, but a part of you doesn’t know if you truly want more money. (You get the Universe confused.)
You use manifestation methods to “attract money.” But when the results don’t happen in your expected timeline, you doubt your value and wonder what’s wrong with you. (Therefore, sending more messages of lack to the Universe.)
You resort to magical thinking and manifestation tricks to bring in money “effortlessly” because you’re unwilling to feel the discomfort of doing the necessary, long-term work to grow a real business.
You think charging high value for your coaching is doing your clients a disservice because you believe the more you earn, the less they get. (scarcity mentality)
You follow a “minimalism” lifestyle because you secretly don’t want to take responsibility for actualizing your earning potential.
Thinking about money fills you with insecurity, doubt, uncertainty, stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions.
You say you want to give back to meaningful causes but never send the money. Because you still live in lack.
You grew up hearing stuff like: “A woman shouldn’t be more successful than her husband,” “Women shouldn’t focus on making money,” and “A mother should put her child first.” So making more money feels like sacrificing your marriage or motherhood.
You grew up in lack and often heard your parents say things like: “We don’t have enough money. We cannot afford it.” So you still cling to that belief.
When you were small, your parents or caregivers often complained, felt stressed, or argued about money.
The more money your parents had, the less happy they seemed. So you associate money with the loss of happiness.
The more money your parents had, the more stressed out they seemed. So you associate money with the loss of freedom.
In your culture, rich people are portrayed as greedy and unethical. So you associate money with the loss of integrity.
Your parents often told you things like: “Money doesn’t grow on trees” and “You have to work hard to make money.” So you associate money with hustle, burnout, and the loss of vitality.
When you finally increase your pricing, you feel the need to perform 10x better to prove that you’re worth it. You overdeliver but undercharge. You ask yourself: “Who am I to charge this much?” and constantly question the value of your work.
When there’s a payment issue, you don’t reach out to clients in a direct and timely manner. You just wait for it to get solved because you feel uncomfortable talking about money.
How many of these signs did you resonate with?
If there are more than you’d like, don’t despair.
In birthing, deep breathing, shifting your beliefs about birth, and a skilled birthing coach can ease the body into an optimal birthing state.
In a similar manner, shifting your beliefs around money, having a coach, and breathing through the discomfort can expand your portal to prosperity and abundance.
And I believe we are all born to make big happy money by offering our genius to the world, including you.
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I’m Milena. When I was 24, I said no to corporate job offers to “do my own thing.”
9 years, some major fumbles, 3 TEDx Talks, 1 published book, 50,000 followers, and hundreds of clients (from 15+ countries) later…
I make a multi-six-figure living as a coach while spending most of my time walking barefoot in my apartment. #introvertgoal
I know you want to make a difference.
I’m here to help you turn that calling into a financially sustainable coaching business — while staying away from the hustle, and skipping the pitfalls that trip up most new coaches.
Quit your 9-to-5. Move to a paradise island. Slow yoga every morning. Work from sunlit cafes. Make time for loved ones (including yourself). Grow your influence. Wake up excited about your day. And serve only the clients who light you up…
All of that (and more!) is possible, once you have the right support.
Why honoring your limits is not a weakness