Milena Nguyen

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I Hope You Love Yourself Enough - Healing Poem for a Broken Heart

This poem is for women who're confused, afraid, heart-broken. (We all have that woman somewhere inside us, don't we?)

I held her image in my heart and wrote each word directly for her.

After sharing it on Facebook, one of my friend encouraged me to perform this poem. So I decided to make a video of me performing it.

I hope these words bring you comfort and nudge you gently to “love yourself enough”.

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I Hope You Love Yourself Enough

I hope you love yourself enough
to walk away from anyone
who you have to rip yourself in half
so you can fit into their hands.

I hope you love yourself enough
to look into the mirror knowing
that even when heartbreak cuts your bones
you are still beautiful.

I hope you love yourself enough
to pick up the pieces of your exploded heart,
glue them back together, one piece after another,
no matter how long it takes.

I hope you love yourself enough
to tell your friend you need help,
when you can’t take
another step on your own.

I hope you love yourself enough
to make yourself a cup of tea
when you’re back to your room after a long day and
you realize that tonight, too, you will sleep alone.

I hope you love yourself enough
to notice how the corners of your lips still curved
that bright morning, when you saw light dancing on a lake.
To notice how, even on your saddest days,
your trembling heart still has space for joy.
I hope you love yourself enough
to not stay down
after you fall down.

I hope you love yourself enough
to climb into the darkest place of your Universe,
searching for light.

Did you know
the life force that makes a wild flower bloom
is the same life force that runs
in your veins,
through your breaths,
in your molecules.

I hope you love yourself enough
to understand
that You are loved
by Love itself.

Even when you cannot feel Love,
Love is still
within you,
around you,
patiently wait
for you to Come Home.

I hope you love yourself enough
to Come Home.

But most of all,
I hope you love yourself enough
to forgive yourself for all the times
when you didn’t love yourself enough.

Milena xo


Everyone of us is born with a purpose. One of the greatest acts of Self-Love is to believe in your inner light and dare to follow that true purpose.

That’s why I’ve created this beautiful workbook to help you start discovering your unique purpose and start making a difference doing what you love. Download (Free!) below.

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