How much of your life have you wasted not taking action?



  • Want to have a purposeful life but feel stuck in an unfulfilling job

  • Often have this nagging feeling that “Something is missing” in your life

  • Have a life that looks good on the outside but doesn't feel good on the inside

  • Want to make a difference but don’t know how it looks like professionally

  • Feel frustrated because you're not meeting your potentials

  • Want to make a change but you’ve been procrastinating (maybe even for years!)


Even more…

You know that if you keep going on this way, years from now,
you might end up depressed and regretting not making a change.


I get it, because I was you.

I spent the first 24 years of my life following others’ expectations, running on a hamster-wheel of perfecting, performing, pleasing.

I ended up in my mid 20s being “successful” on the outside, but on the inside, I was depressed. But I couldn’t tell anyone because I was ashamed.

One day, as I hit rock-bottom of the deadness I felt inside, I decided that I had to make a change. I let go of the old life to start a journey to find myself.

With the help of teachers, coaches, and countless books, step by step I peeled off the false layers in order to reveal the true me.

I’ve learned how to set myself free from the belief-shackles in my mind and the emotional burdens in my heart.

I resigned from the default purpose - what others, and myself, thought I should be - that I had subconsciously followed all my life.

And I said a resounding YES to my true purpose (who I truly am and why I’m here.)

It was a difficult journey. There were many deaths of the ego as well as many rebirths.

Fast forward until today, I’m leading the life I want. I’m making a difference, and a beautiful living, by doing the work I love.

Many of my “crazy dreams” have come true: dance on stage, sell my paintings, perform my poems, publish my own book, speak on TEDx, travel to speak in many countries...

My life still has ups and downs as everyone. But I’m able to be present in each moment with self-compassion and faith.

I’m an explorer opening my arms to the ocean, embracing both sunshine and storm because I have the compass and tools to steer my boat.

As I experience how free and alive this journey feels, I’m called to help others through the same transformation. That’s why I’ve become a coach.

In the last 3 years, I’ve helped men and women in 12 countries create the life they want and make impact doing what they love.

I’ve hosted countless workshops and spoken in 9 countries. My work has been featured on national televisions, Huffpost, e27, TimeOut and more.

I’ve distilled the best of what I knew in a coaching program I call Life Your Purpose - where I’ll guide you to discover your true self and start moving towards the career or business of your unique purpose - your Soul Work.

Live Your Purpose

a 1:on:1 coaching program to discover your unique purpose
and find the work you belong

from Fear to Courage
from Feeling Lost to Total Clarity
from Feeling Stuck to Taking Actions


DISCOVER YOUR unique purpose

  • Uncover your unique genius, values, passion, and mission.

  • Gain crystal clarity and articulate your purpose in clear words: your Purpose Compass

  • Break free from the inner blocks that hold you back from moving forward



  • Use your Purpose Compass to envision a sustainable and fulfilling career or business

  • Create a transition roadmap to move towards that vision without sabotaging your financial independence

  • Create tangible projects and take real actions to make the change happen


**These are the foundational elements. You might not need all of them, or you might need something more. We’ll co-create a unique coaching program 100% tailored to your needs.
Apply for a free & no-string-attached Life Breakthrough Session now to get started!


My coaching is not for everyone.

My coaching is for you - if you:

  • Are purpose-driven, you want to make a difference in the world in your own way

  • Want to live true to your full potentials

  • Want to create real change in your life

  • Understand that real change takes time, thus, you’re willing to commit to a deep transformational journey.

My coaching is not for people who…

  1. Only 'kinda-sorta-wanna' change

  2. Blame others for what happen to them

  3. Don’t understand the value of investing time, effort, and finance in developing themselves 

  4. Don’t take actions

  5. Have no desire to live a life of purpose

But if you’re committed to create the life you want and make the difference you were born to make - having me as a coach will change your life.

Many of us, especially women, think that we have to do it all by ourselves. We do not. And we should not. Change is hard. You need, and deserve support.

Let’s hear it from some of our coachees:

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Discover your truth

“I chose Milena as my coach because I knew her to be intelligent and further along the spiritual journey than me; I wanted a guide and that's what I got. Milena is compassionate, intuitive, insightful, and authentic. She has a great grasp of who you are and what you're trying to achieve and always seems to be able to pinpoint the exact element that is holding you back. Milena has an arsenal of techniques which she deploys to help you overcome the particular challenges you're addressing each session, and guides you to listen to your soul to discover the truth yourself. She helped me uncover and redefine so many limiting beliefs, including beliefs I wasn't even aware of despite having done lots of other work previously. These learnings have a permanent effect on the way I approach life.”
Arnina Moore


Transform beliefs

“Though everyone was telling me I had the best job and my team was constantly hitting record-breaking KPIs, I woke up every morning dreadful to go to work. This was when I reached out to Milena and after the initial conversation, I handed in my resignation, knowing in my heart that this was the right thing to do. Gaining clarity of the life I would like to you are clear of your goals, confidence, courage, happiness helped me to achieve by getting rid of limiting beliefs that no longer serve me and creating new empowering beliefs. Once myself and my desires more deeply. Working with Milena has been the most powerful personal and better focus will follow. I love how Milena uses meditation and creative visualisation to help me connect with and see can heartily recommend Milena as a life coach to anyone who wants the same.”
- Thanh Pham

Milena Nguyen Coaching Testimonial Katherine Nguyen

Find true purpose

“I couldn’t imagine that just after 2 months, I’ve uncovered my true purpose. My life feels meaningful. And just picturing myself helping the world by doing what I love makes me want to cry. She had designed a unique program for me, which helped me release my inner childhood pain, my old belief and eventually found my true passion in life. What I like most about Milena is that she sees my real potentials. I can freely express myself fully to her without being judged. She gives me her training basis on the problems in my real life and guides me to take action. And I know, I am not lonely because my angel, my coach, my mentor – Milena is always by my side to help me achieve that dream. And I love her from the bottom of my heart.”
Katherine Nguyen

Copy of Milena Nguyen April Shoot 2019 - Adrian John Leeds Photography-21-2.jpg

To explore how we can work together

apply for a life breakthrough session

Life Breakthrough Session
is a 50-minute coaching session, completely free & no-string-attached, where I’ll help you to:

  • get clear on what you want

  • identify what holds you back  

  • create a roadmap to overcome your current challenges and achieve your goals

At the end of the session, you may be complete and need no further coaching. Or you may want to know more about my coaching program - in which case, I’ll be happy to share.

Click the link below to apply for a free Life Breakthrough Session.

Remember: you are a beautiful miracles, and you can truly shine your light.

Milena xo